This syrup has all the sweetness and maple flavor of the popular store brands, without the unwanted addition of corn syrup, artificial colors, or carbs. My whole family loves it, and my daughter says it’s hands-down the best pancake syrup that she’s ever had, anywhere.

Yield: 2 1/4 cups
Serving size: 1/4 cup
- 1/2 cup natural, non-GMO granular erythritol
- 1 1/2 cup water
- additional 1/2 cup water, reserved
- 1 tbsp. salted butter
- 2 tsp. maple extract
- 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
- 3/4 tsp. guar gum
- Place the erythritol into the bottom of a 1 quart mason jar, and set aside for now.
- Place the 1 1/2 cups of water and the butter into a small sauce pan, and set on the stove top.
- Place the reserved 1/2 cup of water into a small bowl. Add in the guar gum and whisk until the particles are completely broken down and blended with the water. You should now have a thick liquid in the bowl.
- Add the liquid from the bowl to the water and butter in the sauce pan.
- Whisking constantly, heat the mixture over a medium-high setting. Continue to heat and whisk until the mixture is hot, but not boiling. The temperature should be similar to your morning cup of coffee or tea.
- Pour the hot water mixture into the prepared mason jar. Place the lid on tightly, and shake the jar vigorously to dissolve the erythritol and to completely combine it with the liquid.
- Add in the vanilla and maple extracts. Close and shake again to combine.
- Open the jar and allow the pancake syrup to cool completely before closing and storing in the refrigerator.